About College

Physical Infrastructure
Land :- The institute has its own land ownership basis in the name of society measuring 0.25 Heqtair (2500 Sq. Meter) at village Kairwal Tehsil Neem Ka Thana Distt. Sikar, Rajasthan. 

Building :- The institute is located village Kairwal 4 km from Neem Ka Thana, in spacious and multistory building with beautiful surroundings total cover area of building is 2500.10 Sq. Meter. Institute has provision for adequate number of class rooms, MP Hall, Library, Common room, Games room, Store room, Workshop room, Music room etc. in the building. 

Prospective :- Professional educations are of the most significant component of human resource development with great potatial for contributing to the natural economy and improving the quality of the people " Jai Shri Dayal Teacher's Training College " launched bachelor education (B.Ed.) program in fulfillment of the solemn desired of the society to provide excellent education.
The Genesis :- The college has been founded bY Jai Shri Dayal Shiksha Avam Prashikshan Sansthan, Kairwal, Distt. Sikar, (Rajasthan). Which is a voluntary non-profit organization registered under Raj Society registration act 1958 set. 28 in the year 2007.
Concept :- The Institute is conceived as a unique growth oriented Institute of professional education. Institute proposed launch with the solemn objective ot catering to the educational needs of the society. The uniqueness of the institute lies in its promise of providing elaborating infrastructure and instructional facilities for professional education on the job training, emphasis on quality education, effective personality development and building cultural and moral values.